
Behind the scenes

My personal favourite type of promo is the "behind-the-scenes" film.  I've always enjoyed the peek-behind-the-curtain element of these films, getting to see the work that goes into producing things...I've always loved to see how

special effects

are created and how my favourite scenes in films were shot and edited.  So these films, in a small way, are our own additions to that genre 😊

First off, we shot a nice little EPK for John Rutter's latest album


.  I've said this before many times, but I really enjoy these type of films because you get to listen to some great music as a by product of creating the edit.

There are some genuinely beautiful moments in the tracks on this album and I hope our film goes some way to capturing them.

In a complete change of pace, we also shot and edited a behind-the-scenes promo for Stephen and Chris from



The guys were shooting the front cover for

their new book

and we were invited along to capture some of that process.  It was a bit of a riot as anyone who watches the show can imagine.  Everybody there, including us,  was having a lot of fun... probably far more than was appropriate.


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Surgery, serenades, science and slo-mo.

Been a bit of a whirlwind of late, so I have compiled a quick review of some of our recent activities out there in the world…

First off, we’ve just got back from a trip to Ghana. We were there as a follow up project to our work in Ethiopia a few years back.  The main aspect of the film shoot was creating a step by step guide to conducting Hydrocele surgery.

Follow the link to discover the somewhat excruciating details if you fancy (or not).

Ghana is a beautiful country, with some amazing scenery, it really was quite a trip.

Prior to that excursion, we shot and edited a nice little film for our friends at Decca Classics and the Aurora Orchestra.  I really love editing these types of mini music documentaries, you always have such a lovely soundtrack to work with.

We also had a fun day out at the Science Museum in December, where we covered an event for URENCO.  Every year they have a Christmas lecture involving a prominent scientist talking to school kids about science related topics.

This year was the turn of Dr. Gabrielle Walker, who discussed the challenges we face from climate change and the need to find cleaner sources of energy.  The kids really enjoyed it all and hopefully learned a thing or 2 in the process (I know I did).

The last project was for a Buckinghamshire based business organisation.  The challenge with this one involved not only creating a film but also writing a rhyme that would accompany the footage.  So, we all dusted off our A-Level English Literature and got stuck into some word play.

We visited a hugely diverse range of businesses for this film, giving ourselves the challenge of attempting to crystallise each business into a single shot.  To mix things up and to give ourselves a few more options for creative latitude, we also decided to incorporate slow motion and GoPro camera footage, which turned out pretty well.

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